Around the world, spice blends are a one-stroke solution for easier, more flavorful cooking. There are numerous versions of classic blends, but the best balance the ratio of ingredients to create nuance and complexity, rather than one-note intensity. Since home blends almost always are fresher than purchased, it’s good to know the proper proportions for making your own. Here, we deconstruct three common blends we use regularly.

Makes roughly ½ cup
2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons dried thyme [33%]
2 tablespoons ground sumac [25%]
1½ tablespoons dried oregano [19%]
1½ tablespoons toasted sesame seeds [19%]
1 teaspoon ground cumin [4%]

Five Spice
Makes roughly ½ cup
3 tablespoons fennel seeds, ground [36%]
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon [24%]
2 tablespoons star anise pod pieces, ground [24%]
1 tablespoon ground black or white pepper [12%]
1 teaspoon ground cloves [4%]

Garam Masala
Makes roughly ½ cup
3 tablespoons fennel seeds, ground [37%]
2 tablespoons green cardamom pods, ground [24%]
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon [24%]
1 tablespoon ground black pepper [13%]
½ teaspoon ground cloves [2%]