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Roasted Rutabaga and Pears with Browned Butter, Honey and Rosemary

6 Servings

45 minutes

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The sturdy, purple-shouldered root vegetable known as rutabaga also goes by the name swede or yellow turnip. Its interior is yellow-orange and its flavor earthy-sweet. Oven-roasting these roots is an easy way to render them tender on the inside and caramelized on the exterior. We pair rutabaga with piney rosemary and ripe but firm pears, adding the fruit about two-thirds into roasting so they become tender but not overdone. Nutty browned butter with honey and vinegar swirled in dresses the mixture for a sweet-tart finish.




Don’t confuse rutabagas with turnips. They’re very different in both flavor and size. Whereas turnips are spicy and punchy like radishes and measure just a few inches in diameter, rutabagas are mild and sweet and often are larger than a softball.

45 minutes


  • 5

    tablespoons salted butter

  • 4

    teaspoons minced fresh rosemary, divided


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Frances F.
February 12, 2023
Well, I substituted turnips for the rutabagas, and I substituted rehydrated dried apple slices for the fresh pears, and I rehydrated dried “cracked rosemary” with boiling water for the fresh rosemary, because I didn’t have the “right” ingredients. And I preheated the sheet pan. The results were a fabulous side dish! The main dish? Milk Street’s Chicken Chilindron, which I prepped for and my husband executed while I did the “Rutabaga” dish, with all the Chilindron ingredients as the recipe called for, and it was fabulous too! The chicken came out really tender too. We packed up the chilindron leftovers into two quart jars to the freezer for future meals of ecstasy. Only two pints of the Rutabaga recipe were left over. I might supplement the turnips with the kohlrabi in my fridge to extend the volume of those leftovers. Mealtime ecstasy!