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Milk Street: The New Home Cooking by Christopher Kimball
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Christopher Kimball's Milk Street: The New Home Cooking
The New Home Cooking
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Milk Street: The New Home Cooking will help take your cooking from good to great without years of culinary training. Bold everyday ingredients including spices, chiles, handfuls of herbs, fermented sauces, flavored oils, and scallions make the cooking itself quick and easy. No need for years of training, expert knife techniques, or a mastery of the culinary arts. Start with the right mix of ingredients and the cooking almost takes care of itself.

Milk Street offers the proposition that America, and the rest of the world, is experiencing a watershed moment. Like music and fashion, cooking is becoming a mashup of ingredients and techniques. We do not aspire to authentically reproduce what is natural and necessary in another culture. We do, however, wish to learn new ways to prepare food from the tables of Chiang Mai, Thailand to the Gugulethu township in Capetown. Their expertise informs ours. Milk Street can translate those lessons to the American kitchen, offering an all-new repertoire for the 21st century.

Milk Street: The New Home Cooking offers both inspiration as well as reliability. We search the world over for new ideas, bring them back to our kitchen, and apply years of hard-won recipe development experience to the goal of producing well-tested recipes. That process, from inspiration to reliable recipe, is arduous and filled with dead ends, but this is our vocation. It’s what we love to do.

Naomi Duguid, author of The Taste of Persia, once said that it is time for the cooks of the world to sit at the same table. We share a common language and passion, not just for cooking, but for what it represents. Whether it’s a perfectly sliced apple and a cup of tea in a modest home in Azerbaijan or a noisy celebration of grilled meat in Capetown, it is no longer a world of our food versus their food. Cooking and sharing food is central to the human condition. Welcome to Milk Street.

Take your cooking from good to great without years of culinary training.

Bold, everyday ingredients make our cooking quick and easy.


No need for years of training


No expert knife techniques


No background in the culinary arts required

From inspiration to reliable recipe

Our goal is to produce well-tested, lasting recipes

Like music and fashion, cooking is becoming a mashup of ingredients and techniques.

We are translating global culinary lessons for the modern American kitchen.


Try scramble eggs with olive oil, not butter


Try Japanese fried chicken instead of Southern


Try using a cleaver for slicing instead of chopping