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Cold Ramen Salad with Soy and Sesame Dressing (Hiyashi Chuka)

4 Servings

45 minutes

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Vibrant and refreshing, the chilled noodle dish known as hiyashi chuka is a Japanese staple during the hot summer months. Hiyashi chuka translates as “cold Chinese noodles”—chuka is the word for Chinese-style noodles as well as an alias for ramen. Essentially a composed salad, it features cold ramen with a medley of colorful toppings to be tossed into the noodles at the table, just before eating. We’ve chosen ham, thinly sliced omelet, sliced scallions, juicy tomatoes and crisp cucumber matchsticks. The dish is flexible, so feel free to experiment with the toppings. Some versions of hiyashi chuka are served with a richer dressing that includes sesame paste, though we opted for a lighter one made with soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, ginger and a little sugar; this imparts savory-tangy-sweet flavors to the noodles. Plating individual portions is the classic Japanese way to serve hiyashi chuka, though we also include an option for serving family style. To snip the nori use kitchen shears or scissors.




Don’t skip the step of draining the noodles well to remove excess water that otherwise would dilute the dressing.

45 minutes



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Robin K.
March 17, 2024
Easy, delicious
This super simple recipe is a fabulous quick meal that is quite versatile for toppings, which are easily substituted.
Jon S.
June 25, 2023
Veggie Version
We really loved this. Tried it with veggie ham and it didn't really work. I think I'll sub in some marinated quick-fried tofu next time. Doubled the eggs and was happy I did.
Jon S.
July 2, 2023
Very Satisfying
Up front, this is coming from a vegetarian. Used fake ham and it was.....fine. I'll certainly be making it again, but with marinated/quick-fried slices of tofu. Worked out to four large servings for us.