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Lebanese Braised Green Beans

4 Servings

40 minutes

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The Lebanese dish called loubieh bil zeit, or green beans in olive oil, typically is prepared with flat, sturdy runner beans. The beans are braised until tender in a tomato sauce that’s sometimes seasoned with a mix of spices but always enriched with a glug of olive oil. For our version, we opted for easier-to-find standard green beans, and made a seasoning blend with a few common spices. We got the most flavor out of canned whole tomatoes by crushing and cooking them until thick and jammy, and using some of their juices as the cooking liquid for the beans.




Don’t forget to reserve the tomatoes and 1 cup of their juices separately because they are added at different times during cooking.

40 minutes


  • 1

    teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1

    teaspoon ground coriander


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Melissa K.
August 27, 2023
Absolutely delicious!
I make this with fresh green beans. I did not have coriander or cardamon but it is still delicious without that. I also use just about a tablespoon of coconut oil. I have made twice and this will be in regular rotation. I am happy it is a healthy recipe also.
Mary M.
February 5, 2023
Grew up on this dish in my Lebanese family
This has been a favorite dish growing up in my Lebanese family. My mom made it with some cubes of lamb...but more beans than lamb. She would serve it over rice pilaf made with toasted orzo. So good. I've made it with the frozen French green beans from Trader Joes. Comes out great.
Joan O.
October 10, 2022
Very tasty
What a great way to make green beans interesting. Goes well with oven roasted cod or haddock-something not overly herbed or spiced so as not to conflict with the flavor of the beans.